Restoring Confidence

Restoring Your Confidence and Becoming Unstoppable

September 25, 20246 min read

"Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
- A.A. Milne


The topic of confidence has surfaced a few times recently in conversations I’ve had. Several people have shared their experiences with me, revealing how their confidence was shaken by someone or something else. Some examples include:

  • Being micro-managed at work, leaving you feeling as though you’re not trusted to do your job.

  • Regularly being criticized—especially in front of others—which erodes your sense of worth over time.

  • A close friend suddenly distancing themselves or making hurtful comments that challenge your self-perception.

  • Comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate.

  • Feeling isolated or invisible, as if your presence or contributions don’t matter.

  • Being underappreciated or undervalued at home or at work.

  • Never receiving acknowledgement or recognition for your efforts.

These experiences are not uncommon. Many of us, me included, have grown up with low confidence and self-esteem.

If you're highly sensitive, you may have been made to feel different or "wrong," contributing to a deep sense of not fitting in. This conditioning can be carried into adulthood, and it’s easy to see how such experiences can damage your confidence.

Lack of confidence is a major issue that affects so many of us. According to a report published in Psychology Today, 85% of people struggle with low self-esteem and lack confidence.

Similarly, the Journal of Behavioral Science reveals that over 70% of individuals experience imposter syndrome—a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud.

But what can we do about it? How can we increase our confidence, especially when it has been undermined or destroyed by external factors, such as the actions of others?

Here’s the good news: As you can see from the research studies, you’re not alone, and most importantly, you’re not powerless to change this.

The Path to Restoring Confidence

There are three key steps I use in my work with clients that help build confidence and create a quiet knowing that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. These steps are about transforming your energy and tapping into the most authentic version of yourself.

  1. Self-Awareness

    Self-awareness is the first and most crucial step toward restoring confidence. Many of the incredibly talented people I work with struggle to recognize how amazing they are. They don’t acknowledge their gifts or accomplishments because they’re too busy comparing themselves to others or focusing on perceived shortcomings.

    When you truly know yourself—your unique gifts, values, and strengths—your confidence naturally begins to grow. People who are confident and fulfilled know who they are. They embrace their gifts, skills, and talents without needing to prove themselves to anyone. They acknowledge their accomplishments and are open to new challenges.

    Take a moment to reflect on who you are beneath the labels and expectations placed on you by society, family, or even yourself. What are the gifts that you bring to the world? When you stop trying to fit someone else's mold and fully accept yourself, your confidence will rise.

    This step requires effort because there is often resistance to accepting yourself as you are. We are conditioned to seek validation from others, but real confidence comes from within.


  2. Release

    Once you start deepening your self-awareness, you’ll notice how much of your identity has been shaped by external influences—other people's energy, expectations, and goals. This is when you can begin to release everything that isn’t truly aligned with who you are.

    Releasing may bring up emotions like grief. You might grieve the loss of who you thought you were, or the realization that you've been living someone else’s idea of success. But in this process of releasing what no longer serves you, you'll begin to feel lighter. Clarity will replace confusion, and with that clarity comes confidence.

    As you peel back the layers and reconnect with the real you, a quiet, unshakable confidence emerges.


  3. Alignment

    The final step is alignment, which happens naturally as you work through self-awareness and release. Alignment means living in a way that honors who you truly are, rather than who others think you should be. This is where confidence becomes unshakable because you're fully in tune with yourself and your purpose.

    One of my clients once said, "Thank you for igniting a fire in me. I love how 'new me' turned out to be!"

    But it's not really a "new" you. It's the real you—the version of yourself that has always been there, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.

    Alignment isn't something that happens overnight. It’s a process, but with commitment, focus, and consistency, you will experience powerful shifts in how you show up in the world.


Practical Strategies for Boosting Your Confidence Today

Here are some strategies you can start implementing today to begin your journey toward greater self-confidence:

  • Look back on your accomplishments: We often forget how far we’ve come and the challenges we’ve overcome. Make a list of your personal and professional achievements, along with the skills and abilities you’ve gained along the way. This will give you a clearer sense of your strengths and help you recognize the progress you've already made.

  • Take note of what others say about you: Sometimes, other people recognize our gifts more easily than we do. What are some things people often compliment you on? Do they admire your organizational skills, your ability to listen deeply, or your creative problem-solving? Instead of dismissing these talents because they come naturally to you, acknowledge them as valuable parts of who you are.

  • Challenge yourself: Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new is a great way to boost confidence. Whether it’s learning a new skill, taking up a hobby, or setting a fitness goal, each accomplishment will reinforce your sense of capability.

  • Surround yourself with supportive people: The people around you can have a significant impact on your confidence. Identify those who support you and see the potential in you, even when you can’t. Spend time with people who encourage you and uplift your energy.

  • Manage your inner critic: Often, the most critical voice we hear is our own. Pay attention to the negative thoughts that arise and consciously reframe them. Instead of telling yourself "I can't do this," try saying, "What if I can do this and enjoy the process?" Replace the critical voice with one that supports and encourages you.

These steps will help you begin to rebuild your confidence from the inside out. As your confidence grows, you’ll attract more supportive people and positive situations into your life, while repelling those that undermine your worth.

Inner Critic

The Transformation Ahead

The journey to unshakable confidence starts with self-awareness, deepens with the release of what doesn’t serve you, and culminates in alignment with your true self.

When you commit to this process, you become unstoppable—able to pursue your goals and dreams with a newfound sense of purpose and belief in yourself.

If you’re ready to begin this transformative process, I invite you to take my Personal Energy Assessment. This assessment will help you gain valuable insights into your energy, uncover hidden blocks, and start the journey toward true alignment and confidence.

By taking this step, you’re investing in the most important relationship you’ll ever have—the one with yourself.

Take the first step toward becoming the most confident version of you. Click here to take the Personal Energy Assessment and unlock your unstoppable potential.

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Linda Binns

For 26+ years, Linda Binns has been guiding High Sensory Professional women to overcome their unique obstacles and challenges with energy mastery. She inspires clients to step into their greatness with ease, frequently exceeding their own expectations. As a High Sensory Professional herself, Linda has learned what it takes to thrive when others experience you as being very different. Her mission is to empower other sensitive professionals to fulfill their potential by embracing their uniqueness. She is the author of 8 books on energy, and has been a frequent guest on television, radio, podcasts, and summits.

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Linda Binns

The Breakthrough Energy Expert

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