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As an introverted, intuitive, and highly sensitive person, I was raised to believe that there was something wrong with me, because I was not like others.


There was just one good thing about my childhood. It’s that when I went to school, I loved studying languages. It was the thing I was good at – that and typing. I studied French, German and Russian, was top of my class, and I wanted to be a translator and interpreter.


The Careers Advisor who came to our school told me I’d be better off as a secretary and told me to forget the idea of being a translator/interpreter. This was reinforced by my mother who made it clear that nobody was going to pay for me to travel – and I knew that if I really wanted to become good at any language, I would need to spend time in the specific country.


I briefly rebelled and when I left school I went to college to study languages. I hated every minute of it. I had always felt isolated and ‘different’ at school, yet somehow managed to survive anyway, but at college it seemed worse. There was no guidance or encouragement, I felt even more isolated, so I left and did what was expected of me – I became a typist at a library when I was 16.


I knew I needed to escape my home environment, and at the age of 17 I moved to the country of Malta, where I was married at 18 and became fluent in the Maltese language.


After 2 years in Malta, we moved to Scotland (which I had never wanted to do), and then back to England. I found a job as a secretary. We both had jobs. We bought a house and a car and tried to settle there.

This is me in Malta with my dog Benji, not long after I saved him from being drowned.

Life wasn't easy in Malta - no washing machine, I had to wash everything by hand in the bath tub!

My marriage lasted only 7 years. My husband found someone else, moved back to Scotland, and left me with a mortgage and a car loan, but no car (he had totaled it before moving). I don’t blame him for leaving, because I was incredibly insecure and had no idea what I wanted, I just always did whatever he wanted to do. I wouldn’t have wanted to stay with me either!

I couldn’t afford to pay the mortgage, so lost my house and struggled to find somewhere to live with my dog.

Nobody wanted to rent a room to someone with a dog, so I lived in some appalling conditions, just so I could keep him with me, because he was the one thing that kept me going at that time.

Eventually I managed to pull my life together. I got divorced, found a better job, and was able to afford a place of my own to live, where I could have my dog with me.

In my new home, in England after my divorce - finally putting my life together.

My neighbors introduced me to a wonderful man, who eventually became my husband and we’ve been happily married for 31 years now. We moved from England to the U.S. and have been here for over 30 years, living in 3 different States.

I developed an interest in holistic health and began studying holistic nutrition. I loved it so much and wanted to share everything I learned. I also began to learn about Feng Shui and decided to take practitioner training and started my business as a holistic health consultant and Feng Shui practitioner in 1997.

I had no idea about business. I just knew that I wanted to share what I had learned because it could make people’s lives so much better, as it had made mine.

As we moved from one State to another due to my husband’s job, my business evolved into online coaching, consulting and training – and I realized that the focus was on energy. All things related to energy. I was really good at connecting with energy.

That’s when I became the Breakthrough Energy Expert. I also became a speaker and an author as my confidence grew.

I originally wanted to be a translator and interpreter, and I realize now that’s exactly what I am. The only difference is that the ‘language’ I interpret and translate is the language of energy.

Life becomes so much easier when you understand and master your energy and the energy around you. It’s like having a handbook for your life, which contains your unique blueprint. The level of clarity that comes from this is truly liberating.

When I look back on the path my life has taken, I know I’ve been able to gain confidence and self-esteem because of working with energy. I’ve found levels of joy, satisfaction and success I would never have though possible, by working with energy.

It brings me the greatest joy to know that I am a translator and interpreter after all – and that my language of choice is energy. Empowering others to do the same is what I am called to do.

I’ve gone from insecure people-pleaser to confident people-empowerer.

You can go through life for quite a long time not understanding yourself, and channeling your energy into the wrong things that you think will bring you what you want. But at some point, the Universe will invite you to step up, let go of any insecurities, understand what’s most important to you and channel your energy into that, which will finally bring you levels of success, fulfilment and joy you possibly have never even dreamed of.

You’ll know you’re receiving this invitation when nothing works as it used to, no matter how hard you try, when everything you knew seems to fall away, when any insecurities you have continue to show themselves. That’s your invitation to understand the language of energy.

As someone who suffered terribly from low confidence and self-esteem, and who was terrified of speaking in front of people, I have accomplished things I never even thought possible.

I work with many amazing and brilliant women who know they are capable of and deserve so much more, but they are exhausted from trying to fit in with what everyone else wants. They are not free to fully express themselves.

It's my mission now to bring these women together, and to empower them to thrive by applying 3 foundational principles:

  • Self-Awareness: understanding yourself at the deepest levels, so you know who you are and who you want to become. Understanding your energy blueprint and design for your life.

  • Release: Learning how to release everything that's held you back, such as old beliefs and conditioning, other people's energy and expectations, and the idea that you have to be like anyone else.

  • Alignment: Knowing how to come into energetic alignment - matching who you really are with what you really want.

I hope you’ll allow me to be your energy interpreter and translator - to help you discover your unique energy blueprint so I can show you what’s possible.

Body & mind in harmony

Personal fulfillment

Work-life balance

Freedom & quality of life


Linda Binns

The Breakthrough Energy Expert

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