Unlock Your Full Potential with a Personal Energy Assessment

Take Control of Your Energy

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or simply out of balance?

Discover where your energy is really going and how to reclaim it for a more aligned, fulfilled life.

What is a Personal Energy Assessment?

The Personal Energy Assessment is a powerful tool designed to help you gain deeper insights into how your energy is being distributed across different areas of your life. From your relationships to your career, health, and personal growth—this assessment reveals where you're thriving and where you may need more attention.

The Personal Energy Assessment will help you:

  • Increase Self-Awareness: Understand exactly where your energy is going, and which areas of your

    life might be feeling neglected. This awareness is the first step toward making meaningful changes.

  • Identify and Address Energy Leaks : Pinpoint the areas in your life that are draining your energy, leaving you feeling exhausted or unfulfilled. Learn how to stop these energy leaks and restore your vitality.

  • Prioritize Your Well-Being: Discover if you’re putting everyone else’s needs before your own. Learn how to prioritize self-care and create a more balanced life that nourishes you.

  • Align with Your True Desires: Find out if your energy is aligned with your true passions and goals or if you’re just going through the motions. Realign your energy to live a life filled with purpose and joy.

  • Empower Your Decisions: With a clear understanding of your energy distribution, you can start setting healthier boundaries and making empowered decisions that serve your highest good.

  • Receive Personalized Guidance: After you submit your assessment, you will have the opportunity to schedule a personal session with me, offering tailored insights and actionable steps to help you move forward with confidence and clarity.

What You'll Gain:

  • A clear snapshot of how well each area of your life is going.

  • Personalized feedback and guidance on where to focus your energy for maximum impact.

  • Immediate, actionable steps to start reclaiming your energy and living in alignment with your true self.

Ready to Take Control of Your Energy?

Don’t let another day go by feeling drained, overwhelmed, or stuck. Take the first step toward a more balanced, fulfilling life. Complete the Personal Energy Assessment now and receive a personalized response from me.

Start Your Personal Energy Assessment Today: when you click on the button below you’ll be taken to the assessment, which is a Google form. You will also have the option to receive a copy of your submission.


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions before getting started. I’m here to support you on your journey to becoming unstoppable.

Linda Binns, The Breakthrough Energy Expert

Linda Binns is an experienced energy coach with over 26 years of dedicated service, empowering professional women to thrive by embracing their true selves.

As an introvert, highly sensitive, and empathic individual, Linda understands the profound impact of personal energy on one's life. Her journey began with a challenging upbringing, growing up with a narcissistic mother and an absent father, which resulted in extremely low self-esteem and confidence. Despite these challenges, Linda found the strength to leave home at 17, and embarked on a transformative journey that has since inspired countless others.

After facing significant personal challenges, including divorce and homelessness, Linda rebuilt her life through self-awareness and energy mastery. She now lives a fulfilling life with her loving husband of 31 years. Her unique perspective as an Alchemist and Innocent archetype allows her to inspire clients to envision their highest potential and find inner peace amidst life's chaos. Linda's compassionate approach ensures her clients feel safe and supported as they share their vulnerabilities and embark on their paths to self-discovery.

Linda's extensive experience living in five different countries and multiple states within the U.S. has taught her the art of letting go and starting anew. She is passionate about teaching what she wishes she had known during her darkest times. Her mission is to help others celebrate their uniqueness and lead an empowered, joyful life. Through her practical solutions and personal touch, Linda guides her clients to release limiting beliefs, align with their true selves, and bring positive energy into their lives and the world. Trust, acceptance, authenticity, and personal growth are at the core of Linda's coaching philosophy, making her a sought-after speaker for podcasts, radio shows, and summits.

Your journey to a more empowered, aligned life starts here. Don’t wait—take the assessment now and discover how small shifts in your energy can lead to profound transformations.

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