Achieving What You Want

Why You Might Not Be Achieving What You Want

July 10, 20245 min read

“Energy is the currency of the universe. You get what you give.” - Oprah Winfrey


Do you ever wonder why it seems so difficult to achieve your goals, even though you're pouring all your energy and effort into them? You’re doing all the right things, yet the results just aren’t there.

One thing I’ve discovered when working with clients in this situation is that often, what they think they want—and what they’re putting all their energy into—is not really what they want at all.

Time for Change

This post will help you discover why your efforts might not be yielding results and how aligning your energy with your true desires can lead to success and fulfillment. . 👊

When Passion Fades: A Business Owner's Story

Consider one of my clients who had her own business for many years. Despite working tirelessly to grow her business, she was getting fewer and fewer clients. The struggle was becoming more intense, and frustration had been setting in for some time. It seemed as though the harder she tried, the less successful she was.

As we worked together, we uncovered that while she initially loved her business, that passion had faded. She was excellent at what she did, but her soul was yearning for something else.

Result: She made the bold decision to retire, along with her husband. Now, she spends her days gardening, golfing, and traveling with her husband. Letting go of what was no longer right for her transformed her into a new person.

Climbing the Corporate Ladder: A Story of Misaligned Goals

Another client was determined to climb the corporate ladder. She had already achieved significant success but was hitting a wall in her efforts to advance further. This left her feeling like a failure.

Through our deep work together, she realized that her drive to succeed stemmed from a fear of not being good enough and a constant need to prove herself. This wasn’t a healthy desire for growth; it was a symptom of underlying insecurity.

Result: She discovered a true passion for healing and helping others. She pursued qualifications in the healing modalities that resonated with her and now runs her own successful business.

When Energy is 'Off': Projecting the Wrong Energy

When you are experiencing struggles and frustrations it is often a sign that it’s time to dig deeper to understand what’s really going on. It’s not always about limiting beliefs; sometimes, the energy is simply not in alignment.

One client, a very successful interior designer, had a thriving design business but struggled with a store that sold furniture and design items. Despite her efforts, the store’s sales were extremely low, and she was considering closing it.

During our sessions, it became clear that the store’s energy and feel were the problems. The high-end, pristine setup was beautiful, but it was also intimidating, making customers feel uncomfortable.

Result: By rearranging the store to make it feel more open, inviting and welcoming—such as adding pictures showing how different items could be used— sales immediately increased dramatically. Within two weeks, they had almost sold out and were frantically calling suppliers for more stock.

The Power of Energy Alignment

When you keep trying but nothing seems to work, looking at the situation from an energy perspective can quickly help identify the real problem. In the case of the interior designer, the energy was almost in alignment but not quite. A simple change in the energy and feel of the store made a dramatic difference.

Energy Alignment

Key Takeaways and Reflective Questions

Reflecting on these stories, here are some key takeaways and questions to help you explore your own situation:

Self-Awareness: Look Deep Within

  • Identify What You Truly Want: Are you sure that what you're striving for is truly what you want? Or is it something you once wanted but no longer brings you joy?

  • Reflective Question: What activities or goals make you feel most alive and fulfilled?

  • Assess Your Motivations: Are your goals driven by passion and a healthy desire for growth, or are they coming from a place of fear or a need to prove yourself?

  • Reflective Question: Why do you want to achieve your current goals? What emotions are driving you?

  • Check Energy Alignment: Is the energy around your goals in alignment? Sometimes a small adjustment can make a big difference.

  • Reflective Question: How does the energy feel in your work environment or towards your goals? What changes can you make to improve it?


Actionable Tips for Alignment

Here are some practical steps you can take to ensure your energy and goals are in alignment:

  • Regularly Reassess Your Goals: Set aside time each month to reflect on your goals and whether they still align with your true desires.

  • Listen to Your Intuition: Pay attention to your gut feelings and inner voice. If something feels off, explore why that might be.

  • Make Small Adjustments: Sometimes, small changes in your environment or approach can have a significant impact. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

  • Seek Support: Working with a coach or mentor can provide new perspectives, helping you uncover what you haven’t been able to see as you dig deeper into your motivations and energy alignment.


When you find yourself struggling and feeling frustrated despite your best efforts, it’s time to look deeper. Often, the root of the problem is that your goals are not in true alignment with your desires or the energy around them is off.

By reassessing your goals, understanding your true motivations, and making small energy adjustments, you can create a path that truly resonates with your soul and leads to fulfillment and success.

Learn more about how to align your energy and achieve your true desires in next week’s webinar: 3 Secrets to Getting What You (Really) Want. Don’t miss it!

Reflect on these insights and start your journey towards true alignment and effortless success today.

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Linda Binns

For 26+ years, Linda Binns has been guiding High Sensory Professional women to overcome their unique obstacles and challenges with energy mastery. She inspires clients to step into their greatness with ease, frequently exceeding their own expectations. As a High Sensory Professional herself, Linda has learned what it takes to thrive when others experience you as being very different. Her mission is to empower other sensitive professionals to fulfill their potential by embracing their uniqueness. She is the author of 8 books on energy, and has been a frequent guest on television, radio, podcasts, and summits.

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Linda Binns

The Breakthrough Energy Expert

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